Saturday, 10 September 2011
"Something is Seriously Wrong With Our Current Model Of Economic Development"
Saturday, September 10, 2011 |
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This title and post has been inspired, plus influenced via an article in the Thursday 8th September 2011 publication of the Independent News Paper entitled "Sinking Pacific Island Kiribati Considers Moving To A Man-Made Alternative." Surely that is the pot calling the kettle black? For if there is something wrong with our current model of economic development suggested and quoted via Un Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in a speech on Tuesday then obviously man-made islands resembling oil rigs isn't the answer. He went onto further say "For those who believe climate change is about some distant future, I invite them to Kiribati. Climate change is not about tomorrow. It is lapping at our feet-quite literally in Kiribati and everywhere."
That's like people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! Yes all things Eco Environmentally Sustainable needs to be explored, considered and by the sounds of things meticulously by all i-Kiribati as the countrymen are known. Of the formerly referred to Gilbert Islands when originally part of the Great British Empire and Colony as it seems they are running out of options fast but relocating the entire population of 100K of people straddled over 32 atolls and one raised coral island, dispersed over 3.5 million square kilometers on Kevin Costner "Waterworld" type floating towns resembling oil rigs is utterly preposterous. The sun for million of years the source of life but for one planet, the source of its demise. The temperatures climbed the vast fields of ice at its poles melted and the oceans rose. Centuries later few people remain on this planet once called earth.
What doesn't now seem to be preposterous is Kevin Costners role and portrayal via Director Kevin Reynolds Universal Pictures Waterworld. If only the surrealism movement in philosophy and art remained on the silvery screen at our local cinemas. An inspiring conversation with my Son this week, we want to go and help them. Perhaps we will take Ban Ki-moon's advice and maybe an invitation extended via himself and President of Kiribati Anote Tong
we'd roll up our sleeves, get dirty put various thinking caps on. Along with various skills and access to boundless professional resources try to find Eco Environmentally Sustainable solutions. It would be up to the International Community to fund such projects and President of Kiribati complained that despite various pledges from wealthier nations, they had received little financial aid.
I doubt that Ban Ki-moon leisurely and casually sailed into Kiribati via a clean and pure transportation mode yacht or catamaran as the Mariner/Kevin Costner did in Waterworld. On route to a Pacific Island forum being held on Wednesday 7th September 2011 past in Auckland New Zealand, nor any other part of the delegation or dignitaries. Perhaps the general public's perception is that of Deacon/Denis Hopper and his petrol head friends congregating on an Oil Tanker. As Deacon said in the movie "Dry land is not just our destination, it is our destiny! but for how much longer? As Mariner said "Dry land is a myth" Mariner again "You wanna see dry land? You really wanna see it? I'll take you there. If only we all traveled there by the Mariners mode of transport our World and our Planet would be a much cleaner, dryer and safer place!!!
"Ban and Pacific leaders urge reduction of greenhouse gas emissions"
Quite Ironic "A situation is often said to be ironic if the actions taken have an effect exactly opposite from what was intended."
Hybrid Airships urgently required or quantum Leaps in Teleportation.
"We want the words 'Made in Britain' Designed in Britain' 'Invented in Britain' to drive our Nation forward but best of all Hybrid Air Vehicles does it in a cleaner and purer sustainable way!!!"
Documentary "The Spirit of Business & The Values of Principles"
Aim to be Michael Moore of Scotland, not mythological, true to myself, and my beliefs for a very successful and progressive Scotland via unique innovation, ideas, concepts and visions, that will continue sustainable lasting and meaningful legacies for Scotland! Through macro and micro initiative and "Method of Operating" being ignored or traceable, organic locally sourced incentives being wasted. We will be exploring Banking, Finance irregularities, and catastrophic failures, plus continual self centred preservation monopolies. Through to humongous calamities by bureaucrats, politicians via continual errors in judgment, detrimental to our wealth and well-being. Plus business and planning processes and the inconsistencies via a multitude of planning and business applications that have no consistent logic or coherent pattern? Scholars and Academics, Historians, Physicists, Psychiatrists through to various Professionals from different specialist areas and fields and Business People, plus ordinary folk will be involved in the process and partake via interviews. Wishing to contribute towards making a meaningful difference, evoking, plus proving significant change for the better of us all.
Should Donald Trump have been given the go-ahead for his golf resort?
The Energy Wall
Local Heroes
The spirit, camaraderie, unity of the residents at Menie has not truly or honestly been captured. We intend to signify their courage and conviction in the face of belligerent and arrogant tyranny.
The World Need a Jolly Green Giant
We don't have a "Jolly Green Giant" Corporation but we do need an Eco Environmentally Sustainable Iconic Brand, with ethical values and principles via it's environmental stance.
Angels Of The North "Scottish Angels & Saints"
Calling Scottish Patriots romantic & passionate about Eco values. Creative enlightenment revived, vigor & valor of our spirit, culture, heritage and history, renew innovation. Takes one icon to act.
The Energy Sails & Awnings
Thinking out of the box
Therefore I have formed a Co-operative/Consortium like motive operandi applying inherent value and intrinsic value towards it current pledgeholders, future shareholders and anticipated investors. Beyond the mere principle value of itself and Co-operative/Consortium Partners, who share the same values and principles towards executing, performing and delivering overwhelming and unconditional current pledgeholders value, future shareholders and anticipated investors value and returns, beyond mere monetary values and principles but more importantly Ecological and Environmental dividends and returns. Towards making a substantial and prolific difference, through evoking, plus provoking necessary change in attitude, behaviour, culture towards the ecology, environment and the built environment.
Your Country Needs You
Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Or go further what can you do for the people of this World? "Be a Social Responsible Entrepreneur" Action!
I Stand For Goodness What Do You Stand For?
We all have the ability to stand up and be counted. Lift our heads above the parapet, make a difference, be that change. Especially unique and innovative ethical ideas for the better of all.
Other Local Heroes
Extremely admirable the protest and statement Doctor David Kennedy made. I would concur that Donald Trump is by no means an exemplar or shinning idealogy for students to admire or follow.
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