Wednesday, 25 January 2012
QU & ARK Synopsis Overview & Purpose
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 |
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Introduction ~ Are you interested in changing the World? Are you also motivated towards making a difference? Does the thought or prospect of working towards an equilibrium and balanced approach via green, newtech, cleantech & disruptive technologies make perfect logical coherent sense to you? It should for in 100 hundred years mankind has consumed 50% of our finite natural resources! One does not need to be Albert Einstein to calculate that something needs to be done sooner rather than later. Stephen Hawkins another famous living theoretical physicist and cosmologist predicts that mankind cannot ultimately sustain itself without going into outer space.
Is humanities aims and ambitions now focused on creating a universal dustbin or junkyard? surely not? We believe at The QU Consortuim & The ARK Foundation, that we have an infinite amount of pragmatic ingenious solutions to clean up everyone's backyard! We would very much like to work with you to prove this theory right. How do we do this? Inventors, scientists, professors, financiers, brokers and individuals of a high net worth all over the World are now listening to the founder and visionary of The QU Consortium & The ARK Foundations ethos, rhetoric via his message, story & journey.
Please do be responsible and take the time to read this document carefully for his psychology is driven by ethical prudence, caution and conservatism, with integrity. It outlines how an Eco-Socially Environmentally Sustainable Hedge Fund that exclusively invests in green only initiatives by redefining bricks & mortar distressed assets, through brown field sites only. That can be enhanced & excentuated with the integration of revolutionary yet to be seen technologies that will change the 21st century built environment paradigms.
We can quantum leap this theory with your help and the mechanics behind it have been ethically orchestrated to protect both you and your wealth, by ethically financially engineering a structure of integrity but ultimately being the change and difference we all want to see in this World. It's a no brainer via a pledge raising process put quite simply are you for this or against it? In or out! So why not give it a "Managed Risk" try & perhaps if enough people are responsible enough we could be the necessary & vital change we all want to see in the presumed unsustainable World. "Every Accomplishment Starts With The Decision To Try."
"QU & ARK Is Conscientiously Trying To Shift These Paradigms."
History ~ The founder & visionary has made steady progress and headway via social media marketing. Some might call it viral marketing? Never the less people individually or in the public & private sectors even at the upper echelon's are either aware of the founder & visionary, plus the Allocentric Brand of "The QU Consortuim & The ARK Foundation, word of mouth has travelled far internationally, otherwise known as QU & ARK for short. Searching either Scott Northcott and or QU & ARK via a primary search engine such as google produces 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th positions making a Scott Northcott named search dominant in that search. If you enter QU & ARK itself will accomplish 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th positions respectively but if you enter Scott Northcott QU & ARK there is no mistaking the dominance of this search process.
Firstly ~ the founders name is unusual, secondly QU & ARK is quite unique in its combined trading style. There are Q's QU's & ARC or ARK's separately but none combining the two together. For clarification Quality for You, Quintessentially for You, Everything we do is for You is a regular strap line throughout historical concept, business plan and fundraising documentation. Via the principles and values of Architecture Responsibility & Kudos, again a consistent and coherent pattern, plus theme throughout all historical paraphernalia & documentation.
Moving forward ~ keeping things open, honest, frank and transparent but most of all authentic. It is the founders & visionaries wish to continue in the same vain that has accomplished so much public following, support, recognition of his own personal values and principles. The object of the exercise is to coherently translate and communicate that integrity through to the allocentric brand. Thus far via various mediums, channels, platform and social networking sites the combined hits are approximately 70, 000 all told, not insignificant in light of the limited resources exposed or utilized in the medium, space and arena but never the less extremely effective. Therefore, whilst pledges have been procured and attained admittedly anonymously and strictly private & confidential the ethical pitch is such that the founder & visionary emphasizes that QU & ARK are not in the risk business, nor are the pledge holders for that matter. The core, plus primary target and overall objective has always been £100M Eco-Socially Environmentally Sustainable Hedge Fund that leverages capital via ethical investors, in tandem with ethical financial institutions pound for pound or two times multiples with a strong and distinct possibility of quantum leaping ten times multiples, subject to all previous parts being equal. Along with consolidation of identified bricks & mortar, land largely discounted and distressed, revolutionary newtech, cleantech and renewable disruptive technologies, plus a new mix and ingredient of diamonds and gold interest commodities as collateral, plus security. Furthermore individuals, entities and parties are already being explored presuming surety, plus guarantees and bonds to cover interim loan payments via worse case scenarios on anticipated £200M future facilities. To pacify, plus assure momentum and install continual confidence in our ethical financial partners and institutions.
Pitch perfect ~ We offer future alternative and varied asset and security classes most likely heavily discounted and distressed, alternative and varied future ownership in revolutionary newtech, cleantech & disruptive renewable technologies. Which are hugely complimented via future interests in diamonds & gold commodities of which there are proprietary processes that enhance & increase the mining, plus refinement of these interests & commodities, positively impacting future returns quite substantially & dramatically. Pledge-holders understand the necessity to remain resourcefully fluid & constantly liquid in our diversification, they understand that bricks & mortar, plus land discounted & distressed will be enhanced & be excentuated via future integration of revolutionary newtech, cleantech & renewable disruptive technologies that we own. We cannot stress or emphasize even intensify that a sweeping reform of the 21st century built environment paradigms this will achieve & finally attain via a vital & critical balance & equilibrium through positive energy resourcefulness. This is now vastly & hugely understood via educated & informed pledge-holders in the current know. If they are not, they are quickly brought up to speed after intensive discussions & various confidence building meetings.
Care sourcing not crowd sourcing immediate activates ~
- 2nd 3D animation "Changing the 21st Century Built Environment Paradigms. Sir Ken Robinson's is a good comparison.
- Comedy sketch of "The Apprentice" Donald Trump version. Unethical Grand Master verses the Ethical Apprentice.
- Science class presentation of "Simple Solutions for Complex Problems" varies ages & cultures of children. will be proud.
- Eco Tour bus, camera crew & programmers capturing real live random moments via people on the streets with simultaneous feeds.
- Strategic alliance with an international designer of kudos for ethical clothing, early adopter, I made QU & ARK happen.
- as a possible alternative channel to fund the endeavours prior to seed risk capital.
All of the above has been budgeted & costed out at £100K with a more than adequate contingent. Credence, credibility & trustworthiness will translate seamlessly from the founder & visionary across to the QU & ARK Brand. Recent ethics of media inquiries such as the Leveson Inquiry justify our mode of operation & continued execution via open, honest, frank & transparent but most of all authentic social media, which we control the delivery. We anticipate releasing all communications simultaneously of each others with the anticipation of 10's of millions if not 100's of millions of hits World Wide, various digital agencies expert opinions, not ours. The Sir Ken Robinson animation example alone "Changing The Education Paradigms" accomplished 6.6M hits Globally, he is now know internationally & renowned as education & creativity expert, plus recipient of the Prestigious RSA's Benjamin Franklin Award. Who's a regular guest speaker on
Eco Environmentally Sustainable Web Site & Platform EESP ~ What's quite shocking is that if you use social media platforms such as twitter being a prime example there is not a specific interest section that consolidates or even for that matter highlights Eco Environmentally Sustainable subjects via who to follow sections or view suggestions or even browse interests but there is music, sports, entertainment, news & science as examples. We see this as a overwhelming & significant opportunity as consumer behavior has changed quite considerably & is continuing to change quite radically & dramatically towards consciousness, plus awakening of the necessary & radical changes that need to be implemented, even adopted but in particular applied by responsible consumers themselves. We at QU & ARK have been working with an academic colleague on an algorithm & application as a "FREE" bolt on which carries a simple & easy cost analyses, plus appraisal in both a consumer & residential situation as well as business either public or private sector evaluating the following. What newtech, cleantech & renewable technology best suits their needs, via efficiency & cost effectiveness. Again this has been budgeted & costed out at £100K again with ample contingent.
- One of our consortium partners a board director emphasized that QU & ARK will attain & attract future income streams from accreditation via other business entities seeking our endorsement & seal of approval.
- Advertising income & revenue streams via green collaborators & partners, service providers, producers & manufactures of green newtech, cleantech & renewables via our EESP Unique Web Site & Platform.
- "FREE" cost appraisal algorithm & efficiency application will have infinite more value added as an ethical bridge building exercise with consumers globally than any fee that could be attained or achieved.
- Again as a possible channel to fund these endeavours prior to seed risk capital. As following gathers, emulating we are all responsible for change & creating necessary difference.
We see ourselves as leaders not followers of "Changing the 21st Century Built Environment Paradigms" this medium & space, plus offering will solidify this certainly in consumer confidence terms, plus a significant ethical trust building exercise. The "FREE" application amplifies this, remember this is not our main or core business driver but merely yet another ethical tool to install, collaborators, partners, pledge-holder & investor but most of all consumer "Confidence." Please remember nobody got FaceBook in its infancy, as they scrambled for advertising agencies to grasp & comprehend the infinite possibilities, now 800 Million Global subscribers later $4 per subscriber annually $3.2Bn turnover. With an initial startup seed capital originally amounting to only $15 thousand dollars. The rest as they say is now in the social media history books but what that example proves, is he changed the 21st century social media paradigms. Case & point absorbed? However lets not get into a censorship debate, I've already shot a few ethical canons across Mr Mark Zuckerberg's bows & "The FaceBook A Team."
Docu-Drama & Programme Sponsorship ~ The founder & visionary is quite relaxed nor is he phased by this possibility yet again, as the opportunity arose way back in May 2007 via an intent & intension submitted from a Major Worldwide Production Company. With multiple network & distribution channels via Global Broadcaster's, they are proficient & expertise in documentary style content appertaining to the built environment but not content or productions exploring the radical & necessary reforms that need to be urgently made via these shifts. Perhaps the timing of such as the Global Financial Crisis & the havoc of those events that subsequently unraveled were inopportune, or not appropriate at that time? However there has never been a more opportune time or moment such as now. Who wouldn't want to commission or partake in a Documentary Drama covering the entire message, story & journey of achieving a totally self sufficient & sustainable green World Leading community or even partner, collaborate the orchestration of its initial inception, plus execution & final delivery for that matter.
- Dependent very much on mutual licensing rights, editorial rights, distribution rights, marketing & PR, plus synergy between all parties & entities, collaborators, partners & sponsors concerned.
- Three Ethical Global Big Brand Organization's, sustainable advocates with significant interests & operations internationally have been approached, two have been overwhelmingly receptive.
- There is the future anticipation of perhaps leading towards global events that entertain, whilst educating the audience on the urgency & necessity to change. New dynamic in Eco-Events.
The founder & visionary is now working in tandem with an acclaimed British Producer/Director proficient & accomplished within this space & arena. Furthermore Scott Northcott has been invited to a Major World Peace Event tasked with the need & necessity to accomplish, plus achieve peace in the Middle East. Perhaps as he said & I quote "If an equilibrium & balance of our energy & finite resources can ultimately be realized? That in itself will contribute greatly towards World Peace."
Pledge-Holder Pitch ~ KISS "Keep It Simple Stupid 29/30 tentative no risk pledges of £1M each have been potentially secured, simply are you in or out? However we anticipate & expect a fall out rate or small percentage that fail to complete! What has been especially challenging has been the pre-recrosit anonymous "Strictly Private & Confidential" requirement via initial & previous pledge-holder approaches. However this with any luck & a fair to strong ethical wind behind us is about to change. Again helped & assisted via the acclaimed British Producer/Director as 3 iconic figures are approached as Named Pledge-Holders & Ambassadors, 1 from the global political arena, 2 a global musician & the 3rd an active global activist & environmentalist.
- Bricks & mortar, plus land securities either discounted or distressed. Owners, vendors & agents have overwhelmingly receptive to our propositions inclusive of presumed trophy properties. As we add value to those assets.
- Ownership in intellectual green revolutionary newtech, cleantech & disruptive renewable technologies. Patents in solar, wind, hydro, water & bio-fuel technologies, plus further radical groundbreaking designs & concepts.
- Stocks, shares, options. However the founder & visionary has preferential 1st right of refusal on buy backs & buy outs. This contingent will effectively restricts & restrains circumvention by any would be unethical practices.
- Various commodity interests of diamond mines & gold ore refinery process, of which 150 tons is already above ground not below. Inclusive of innovative & unique proprietary processes in mining & refinement processes.
What is extremely refreshing & encouraging as a measure & feedback not only via individuals of a high net worth & or brokers, plus financiers who are now making approaches. Another strong barometer & gauge of interest in QU & ARK. Is the pitch perfect alternative & varied asset class securities, technologies & commodities potential pledge-holders comprehend & recognize the realization of the reasoning behind the diversification. Most if not certainly all are extremely complimentary to their current investment portfolios. Things that have especially came out of each & every discussion, meeting & dialogue with advisors who are proficient in an advisory capacity to their clients, is this necessary change in their investors behavior searching for allocentric core values & principles via vibrant & invigorating "New Brands" that not only uphold but maintain these Eco-Socially Responsible values & principles.
Whilst participation & ownership in commodities such as diamonds & gold may seem a huge contradiction, what has also materialized via our collaborators & partners in these areas. Is their realization to contribute commodities that enable QU & ARK to install faith & confidence in pledge-holders, plus collateralization to solidify our ambitions but also simultaneously contemplate & anticipate the future proofing & perception of consumers procuring & acquiring such luxuries, confidentially knowing & being assured their purchase of these now rare & finite resources are contributing to Green Eco-Socially Responsible & Sustainable Initiatives.
Optimistic Conclusion ~ QU & ARK is not in the risk business, we are in the surety business. Assuring confidence & faith in our pledge-holders that we will always unequivocally act in their best interests via best ethical practices that we lead in & the rest of the industry follows. Our message, story & journey is becoming stronger by the day, we have an untarnished brand & reputation which we see is a major strategic advantage with the undoubted potential to achieve an exceptionally strong asset & security, plus diverse class of interests, always in the best interests of our pledge-holders. Necessary Eco-Social & Ethical change & difference will not come via historical terrestrial sources, nor will the potential of huge growth or returns be comprehended or realized via the Status Quo as we knew them but by a break away Eco-Socially Environmentally Sustainable Hedge Fund that some say could with a fair ethical wind behind it transpire & quantum leap into an Ethical Bank. All of which will be determined by the attitude , courage & conviction of current & future pledge-holders, committed to be the change we all want to see in this World. Our psychology is prudence, caution & conservatism, none of the existing pledge-holders are prepared to risk any capital what so ever, perhaps our pitch has been to perfect for they understand the necessity of all parts running equal & in tandem with each other but the other reassuring & consoling factors is that QU & ARK is in no particular rush or hurry to execute or deliver any or individual parts other than obtaining & achieving a greater or bigger platform & stage which is already maturing organically. What is quite amazing is that from zero £29M/£30M has been generated from nothing, other than blood, sweat & a few tears, with oodles of passion & bundles of courage, plus convictions via the founder & visionary identifying, qualifying, quantifying, plus rectifying an ethical dynamic that investors undoubtedly aspire for. Verification will be determined by peoples & organizations actions, as apposed to inactions over the next few weeks. Furthermore £29M/£30M pledges with not solve the puzzle to make the World a Greener Place but 100 pledge matched pound for pound or two times multiples with a strong and distinct possibility of quantum leaping ten times multiples, subject to all previous parts being equal. Will perhaps change the 21st century built environment paradigms.
Imagination ~ is more powerful than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all that we know and understand, whilst imagination embraces the entire World, and all there ever will be to know and understand. ~ Albert Einstein. Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator. ~ Antonio Gaudi. A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist. ~ R. Buckminster Fuller. Very simple solutions for complex problems. ~ Professor James Blyth might have been a quote used by him but he sadly never got the acknowledgement or recognition that he deserved, we hope to change that via a QU & ARK Ethical Oscars or Ethical Globe Awards type event recognizing people contribution to our ecology, environment & sustainability. Much in the same vain architecturally as RIBA's Royal Institute of British Architects prestigious Sterling Prize. Whilst allot of groundbreaking, even revolutionary, perhaps disruptive ideas have been shared via inventors, designers, engineers, scientist and professors with the founder & visionary of QU & ARK Scott Northcott has still not seen or discovered anything close or comparable to the simplicity of his innovative and unique, plus cutting edge ideas. The first ever event will reveal this uncomplicated approach to the changing behaviors & paradigms. Making the simple complicated is common place, making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. ~ Charles Mingus. Help us simply make a difference and be the uncomplicated change that the World urgently needs, right here right now. Otherwise we all may live to regret our unethical inactions.
Documentary "The Spirit of Business & The Values of Principles"
Aim to be Michael Moore of Scotland, not mythological, true to myself, and my beliefs for a very successful and progressive Scotland via unique innovation, ideas, concepts and visions, that will continue sustainable lasting and meaningful legacies for Scotland! Through macro and micro initiative and "Method of Operating" being ignored or traceable, organic locally sourced incentives being wasted. We will be exploring Banking, Finance irregularities, and catastrophic failures, plus continual self centred preservation monopolies. Through to humongous calamities by bureaucrats, politicians via continual errors in judgment, detrimental to our wealth and well-being. Plus business and planning processes and the inconsistencies via a multitude of planning and business applications that have no consistent logic or coherent pattern? Scholars and Academics, Historians, Physicists, Psychiatrists through to various Professionals from different specialist areas and fields and Business People, plus ordinary folk will be involved in the process and partake via interviews. Wishing to contribute towards making a meaningful difference, evoking, plus proving significant change for the better of us all.
Should Donald Trump have been given the go-ahead for his golf resort?
The Energy Wall
Local Heroes
The spirit, camaraderie, unity of the residents at Menie has not truly or honestly been captured. We intend to signify their courage and conviction in the face of belligerent and arrogant tyranny.
The World Need a Jolly Green Giant
We don't have a "Jolly Green Giant" Corporation but we do need an Eco Environmentally Sustainable Iconic Brand, with ethical values and principles via it's environmental stance.
Angels Of The North "Scottish Angels & Saints"
Calling Scottish Patriots romantic & passionate about Eco values. Creative enlightenment revived, vigor & valor of our spirit, culture, heritage and history, renew innovation. Takes one icon to act.
The Energy Sails & Awnings
Thinking out of the box
Therefore I have formed a Co-operative/Consortium like motive operandi applying inherent value and intrinsic value towards it current pledgeholders, future shareholders and anticipated investors. Beyond the mere principle value of itself and Co-operative/Consortium Partners, who share the same values and principles towards executing, performing and delivering overwhelming and unconditional current pledgeholders value, future shareholders and anticipated investors value and returns, beyond mere monetary values and principles but more importantly Ecological and Environmental dividends and returns. Towards making a substantial and prolific difference, through evoking, plus provoking necessary change in attitude, behaviour, culture towards the ecology, environment and the built environment.
Your Country Needs You
Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Or go further what can you do for the people of this World? "Be a Social Responsible Entrepreneur" Action!
I Stand For Goodness What Do You Stand For?
We all have the ability to stand up and be counted. Lift our heads above the parapet, make a difference, be that change. Especially unique and innovative ethical ideas for the better of all.
Other Local Heroes
Extremely admirable the protest and statement Doctor David Kennedy made. I would concur that Donald Trump is by no means an exemplar or shinning idealogy for students to admire or follow.
About Me
Created by QU Quintessentially for you Quality for you & ARK Architecture Responsibility & Kudos. Powered by Blogger.