Monday, 2 April 2012
The Governor
Monday, April 02, 2012 |
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Scott Northcott
Founder & Visionary
The QU Consortium & The ARK Fondation
C/o Clive Franks Senior Partner
Franks MacAdam Brown
9-10 St Andrews Square
Mervyn Allister King
Bank Of England
Threadneedle Street
Cc: David Cameron Prime Minister, Nick Glegg Deputy Prime Minister, Vince Cable Secretary Of State For Business, Ed Miliband Leader Of The Labour Party, Caroline Lucas Leader Of the Green Party.
Friday 30th March 2012
Open Letter E-Mailed & Posted
Dear Governor
Good morning, may I take this opportunity to introduce myself and describe my profession, plus also outline some immediate observations objectively.
I would describe myself as an Eco-Social Entrepreneur ecologically influenced, environmentally driven and sustainability focused via meaningful longevity.
My function as is yours and our political leaders should be centered and primarily focused on true openness, fairness and transparency. My only ulterior motive and hidden agenda is attaining and ultimately achieving an equilibrium and balance via our depleting finite natural resources. The basis of my passion and drive is neither primarily based on cyclical nor man made climate change but ultimately as Biologist Doctor David Kennedy said to me and I quote "In 100 years mankind has consumed 50% of our finite natural resources." He truly believes we are past the point of no return. I hope and pray we can endeavour collectively and unitedly to implement 'Sufficient' practices to prove his theory wrong.
It is to that end that I objectively write to you appertaining to 'Implementation,' and how we accomplish the seeds, that will bear the sustainable fruits of our ethical behavior and labour, sooner as apposed to later. One only needs to look at events last week in particular to establish that the energy crisis is a current dilemma and not necessarily a future catastrophe, in the wings and waiting to occur, in my opinion it has already happened. Nuclear Power Plant opt outs, North Sea Platform Gas Leaks and Petrol Pump Mayhem, plus Chaos and dare I say it astronomical inflated price hikes. When I started this journey I never anticipated or even comprehended that QU an acronym for 'Queue you the people' & ARK representing 'Architecture responsibility and kudos.' Would ever be perceived as a Political Party, let alone interpreted as a Religious Group but more so as an Eco Environmentally Sustainable Transformative Movement as I would prefer to call it, that is growing at quite an exponential rate. But its true growth is based on new found hope and faith via optimism for an alternative sustainable future and more meaningful 'Purpose' that is viable ecologically, environmentally and financially.
The great privilege and honour bestowed upon me is the 'Trust' via various international inventors, scientists and professors that have come to QU & ARK as some sort of shining beacon and light. An extremely divergent 'Think Tank' with their and our unique and innovative ideas, concepts and visions. Some of which are patent approved, patent pending, others still on the drawing board and some still in research and development stages but never the less, ground breaking and revolutionary, with huge alternative mixed clean and green energy sources of incredible potential. I hasten to add the likes of which have never been concieved, let alone comprehended ever before, ground breaking revolutionary ideas. I must admit the hope and faith I believe and think we offer, is that of being change makers or wave makers. As the policy making processes we are not party or even privy to. However, we can but hope and pray to influence policies and those makers of policy via anticipated engagement. Also Entertainment of which I will elaborate on further towards the end of this letter and vital education with essential difference via alternative clean and green energy mixes. I am never too old to be educated, even by my own Son, who has been a huge influencer of my social media endeavours where my voice, message, story and journey has been overwhelmingly heard around the World.
When asked what is QU & ARK all about, my normal response is a Vital Eco-Social Environmental Sustainable Hedge Fund. That will 'Only' exclusively invest in future green initiatives for and behalf of innovation or influence rare commodity behavioral changes and practices via offsetting and combined contribution towards these clean and green initiatives. Further more without over complicating things at this juncture, potentially a green financial entity, a future brand to be 'Trusted,' of which the World is more than eager to recieve and vital that we deliver. With mixed funding channels, private already tentatively pledged and hopefully public funds yet to be committed, plus institutional but only those that have a proven ethical background, history and track record in Fair Trade and Ethical Practices. Our mode of operation will be driven and focused as that of a socially responsible profitable enterprise run like a co-operative but benefiting its future shareholders as a publicly quoted entity. I have ceased speaking with banks and financial institutions who do not meet our extremely demanding criteria, as apposed to their fundamentally lacking Eco-Social criteria. This barometer can be measured by new consumer trends and behavioral changes in public opinion and general consensus. Of necessary changes already migrating towards entities of eco-eccentricities values and principles, as apposed to ego-eccentricities. Which is a huge social dynamic change and cultural shift of difference, plus visible pattern materializing all around the Globe.
Continuing with the rhetoric of 'Purpose' it is our desire and proposal to engage, entertain and educate anyone and everyone appertaining to the essential changes and differences that need to occur right here right now by changing the 21st century built environment paradigms. Again this weeks proposed changes to National Planning in favour of sustainability is a positive step. Surely future schemes and developments totally self sufficient and sustainable from renewable energy sources, specifically via brownfield sites is an ease and alleviation of future burdens and strains to our National Grid, which are more surmountable. Whether it is ecologically, environmentally or economically and sufficient energy mixes. From an affordability perspective the previous system has fundamentally failed, the evidence is all around us, merely through lack of financial restraint and regulatory policing. Initially we intend to adopt a platform and medium through social media QU & ARK which can entertain the entire World on vital and necessary changes via differences that will become World Leading exemplars. Secondly via an event that would be the first event ever in the World generating totally self sufficient and sustainable energy from renewable sources. 'Some Commercially Sensitive Ideas At This Juncture, Too Sensitive To Mention.' I will highlight and reiterate yet again 'World's First, 'which in turn becomes an exhibition for immediate apparatus and prototypes of our future, concepts, designs and ideas to minimize the impact on our planet. These two innovative miles stones, will not only create an Eco-Kudos via perhaps the next social media trend, in which it becomes extremely chic and fashionable to show off ones individual contributions and be proud of ones achievements. Let alone Global trends and positive environmental impacts, that will not only generate income streams but more to the point highlight Britain's as a truly responsible country leading by example in this ethical field via advancement and advocacy in this space and arena. I can think of no greater 'Purpose' and or agenda.
Think along the lines of the 2012 great eco environmentally sustainable platforms, mediums and exhibition. More than LiveAid, even more than LiveEarth but real people with simple solutions for complex problems. My inspirations are the people listening to me and I in turn listen to them, the caliber of which will overwhelm you as it does me. The passion is the confidence and ability to not only attain, plus achieve a balance and equilibrium but ultimately provide a sense of Global Pride which in turn will lead to International credibility via designing, owning, creating, producing, plus manufacturing a more sustainable and meaningful 21st century built environment. Ultimately providing meaningful skilled jobs with and of much needed longevity.
Yours in anticipation
Scott T. Northcott
Founder & Visionary
Documentary "The Spirit of Business & The Values of Principles"
Aim to be Michael Moore of Scotland, not mythological, true to myself, and my beliefs for a very successful and progressive Scotland via unique innovation, ideas, concepts and visions, that will continue sustainable lasting and meaningful legacies for Scotland! Through macro and micro initiative and "Method of Operating" being ignored or traceable, organic locally sourced incentives being wasted. We will be exploring Banking, Finance irregularities, and catastrophic failures, plus continual self centred preservation monopolies. Through to humongous calamities by bureaucrats, politicians via continual errors in judgment, detrimental to our wealth and well-being. Plus business and planning processes and the inconsistencies via a multitude of planning and business applications that have no consistent logic or coherent pattern? Scholars and Academics, Historians, Physicists, Psychiatrists through to various Professionals from different specialist areas and fields and Business People, plus ordinary folk will be involved in the process and partake via interviews. Wishing to contribute towards making a meaningful difference, evoking, plus proving significant change for the better of us all.
Should Donald Trump have been given the go-ahead for his golf resort?
The Energy Wall
Local Heroes
The spirit, camaraderie, unity of the residents at Menie has not truly or honestly been captured. We intend to signify their courage and conviction in the face of belligerent and arrogant tyranny.
The World Need a Jolly Green Giant
We don't have a "Jolly Green Giant" Corporation but we do need an Eco Environmentally Sustainable Iconic Brand, with ethical values and principles via it's environmental stance.
Angels Of The North "Scottish Angels & Saints"
Calling Scottish Patriots romantic & passionate about Eco values. Creative enlightenment revived, vigor & valor of our spirit, culture, heritage and history, renew innovation. Takes one icon to act.
The Energy Sails & Awnings
Thinking out of the box
Therefore I have formed a Co-operative/Consortium like motive operandi applying inherent value and intrinsic value towards it current pledgeholders, future shareholders and anticipated investors. Beyond the mere principle value of itself and Co-operative/Consortium Partners, who share the same values and principles towards executing, performing and delivering overwhelming and unconditional current pledgeholders value, future shareholders and anticipated investors value and returns, beyond mere monetary values and principles but more importantly Ecological and Environmental dividends and returns. Towards making a substantial and prolific difference, through evoking, plus provoking necessary change in attitude, behaviour, culture towards the ecology, environment and the built environment.
Your Country Needs You
Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Or go further what can you do for the people of this World? "Be a Social Responsible Entrepreneur" Action!
I Stand For Goodness What Do You Stand For?
We all have the ability to stand up and be counted. Lift our heads above the parapet, make a difference, be that change. Especially unique and innovative ethical ideas for the better of all.
Other Local Heroes
Extremely admirable the protest and statement Doctor David Kennedy made. I would concur that Donald Trump is by no means an exemplar or shinning idealogy for students to admire or follow.
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