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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

My Agenda Clarified

To address fundamental, pressing issues within the current built environment that have not, thus far, been addressed. 

"We cannot meet a sustainable future by doing what we unsustainably did in the past." ~ Scott Northcott. 

However, that being said, every action has either a positive or negative reaction. QU & ARK Affordable Eco-Modular Flood Proof Housing Off Grid or Micro Grid is an extremely imaginative concept and vision, however the necessity of this initiative further highlights the volatility of our current built environment, intertwined with the unpredictable intensity of our ever changing weather patterns. 

Restraint, or rather the lack of it, has ultimately got us all here. We all have to take personal responsibility for the absence of prudence, caution and conservationism. This is why I'm doing what I'm doing. Artificially inflated and highly geared property values, added to the sky-rocketing price of utilities, plus, plus, plus weekly food prices hikes are adversely affecting nearly every household throughout our world. 

The potential negative reaction by designing, engineering and producing a far superior, but especially more affordable built environment are the potential negative financial impact, but for whom? Politicians? Financial Institutions? Regulators? Or you personally? Based on recent economic failures thus far the consequence of other's presumed actions or inactions fall back to you as a taxpayer! Ultimately, you pay the price via your mortgage, rent, gas, electric, water, food etc etc etc.

Can you afford to ignore this? Can you also afford to be ignorant of increasing evidence that suggests that ownership or rents are unaffordable in a third of the UK? This probably applies to most of the built environment in our world, certainly in built up urban sprawl. According to the +BBC News Find out where you can afford to live QU & ARK isn't in this listing but *You* can help to change this, right here, right now! Or should we wait until two thirds of the UK becomes extortionate?  

Artificial, inflated and highly geared environments will inevitably fail of their own accord. It's as predictable as Economist Nouriel "Doctor Doom" Roubini predicted the 2008 crash or Great Depression 
Balanced habitats and environments that offer an equilibrium will remain constantly stable through the longevity they provide and offer. The time has never been better than now to do something and take action
Those of you observing my message, story and journey have witnessed those courting me and others luring me, perhaps? Time will tell. There has also been the suggestion that when the money arrives will QU & ARK's manifesto be delivered? The answer is simple, until I've been courted by a like minded person or kindred spirit, even organisation, as ethical or allocentric, determined and unwavering as QU & ARK there will be continued rejection of those that don't meet that criteria. 

"I've never really understood the outsourced labour cost argument verses local, traceable indigenous cost. Intertwined with the social and economic associated benefits and I'm no economist. Sadly nor will you or most of us now at the precipice of economic disaster." ~ Scott Northcott.

Documentary "The Spirit of Business & The Values of Principles"

Aim to be Michael Moore of Scotland, not mythological, true to myself, and my beliefs for a very successful and progressive Scotland via unique innovation, ideas, concepts and visions, that will continue sustainable lasting and meaningful legacies for Scotland! Through macro and micro initiative and "Method of Operating" being ignored or traceable, organic locally sourced incentives being wasted. We will be exploring Banking, Finance irregularities, and catastrophic failures, plus continual self centred preservation monopolies. Through to humongous calamities by bureaucrats, politicians via continual errors in judgment, detrimental to our wealth and well-being. Plus business and planning processes and the inconsistencies via a multitude of planning and business applications that have no consistent logic or coherent pattern? Scholars and Academics, Historians, Physicists, Psychiatrists through to various Professionals from different specialist areas and fields and Business People, plus ordinary folk will be involved in the process and partake via interviews. Wishing to contribute towards making a meaningful difference, evoking, plus proving significant change for the better of us all.

Should Donald Trump have been given the go-ahead for his golf resort?

The Energy Wall

The Energy Wall
Micro Wind Energy Renewables Set Within The Landscape

Local Heroes

The spirit, camaraderie, unity of the residents at Menie has not truly or honestly been captured. We intend to signify their courage and conviction in the face of belligerent and arrogant tyranny.

The World Need a Jolly Green Giant

We don't have a "Jolly Green Giant" Corporation but we do need an Eco Environmentally Sustainable Iconic Brand, with ethical values and principles via it's environmental stance.

Angels Of The North "Scottish Angels & Saints"

Calling Scottish Patriots romantic & passionate about Eco values. Creative enlightenment revived, vigor & valor of our spirit, culture, heritage and history, renew innovation. Takes one icon to act.

The Energy Sails & Awnings

The Energy Sails & Awnings
Micro Wind Energy Renewables Within A Sailing Context

Thinking out of the box

Therefore I have formed a Co-operative/Consortium like motive operandi applying inherent value and intrinsic value towards it current pledgeholders, future shareholders and anticipated investors. Beyond the mere principle value of itself and Co-operative/Consortium Partners, who share the same values and principles towards executing, performing and delivering overwhelming and unconditional current pledgeholders value, future shareholders and anticipated investors value and returns, beyond mere monetary values and principles but more importantly Ecological and Environmental dividends and returns. Towards making a substantial and prolific difference, through evoking, plus provoking necessary change in attitude, behaviour, culture towards the ecology, environment and the built environment.

Your Country Needs You

Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Or go further what can you do for the people of this World? "Be a Social Responsible Entrepreneur" Action!

I Stand For Goodness What Do You Stand For?

We all have the ability to stand up and be counted. Lift our heads above the parapet, make a difference, be that change. Especially unique and innovative ethical ideas for the better of all.

Other Local Heroes

Extremely admirable the protest and statement Doctor David Kennedy made. I would concur that Donald Trump is by no means an exemplar or shinning idealogy for students to admire or follow.

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