Sunday, 29 December 2013
Revelation Epiphany Or Wake Up Call? Even A New Year's Resolution!
Sunday, December 29, 2013 |
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If only we could pay ourselves handsomely! Whilst constantly failing to execute perform and deliver true Eco-Socially Responsible Economic Development. Rewarding ourselves with bonuses for short-termism driven objectives.
But they do say behaviour breeds behaviour. As we now have to collectively contend with Energy Companies charging whatever they want or feel they can get away with. Doesn't it sound like PPI "Payment Protection Insurance" all over again.
Honesty is the best policy and imagination is more important than knowledge if we collectively cooperate, collaborate our combined energies to create more meaningful alternatives. A vital difference that will quantum leap change, call it our own insurance policy.
Therefore we gratefully request that you help QU & ARK to execute, perform and deliver educational content, stage, medium and platform. That will not only educate our audience but also the powers that be. So we are not all politically held to ransom.
Via the creation of an allocentric brand i.e. community minded, more than an ordinary mutual, not any old cooperative but a partnership by the people for the people. Whose preferential interests are our collective interests.
#QU4ARK an idea in the making, a creative concept evolving and true vision maturing. That will alter public perception of brands attitude, behaviour and culture. Leading by example, an exemplar as our collective cooperation and collaboration will alter attitudes, behaviour and culture. So #QU4ARK trust us implicitly, as we are you, as we all yearn for a clear, concise and coherent Eco-Socially Responsible Sustainable Economic Development Model. That's kind to our ecology, caring towards our environment and a logical long-term driven economic initiative, that offer real value for our future economy. So let's collectively cooperate, collaborate and combine our energies and make this long-term driven initiative happen.
QU & ARK still may not have an ethical pot to piss in but nor are we pissing in the wind appertaining to our core values and principles and or compromising those down the drain. In total seven offers of investment have been made throughout and during the course of 2013 the latter offer in November being the most compelling. As the individual person and party concerned are not even slightly interested in an ROI "Return On Investment" what so ever! As they truly believe in the work we are doing and the objectives we hope to accomplish. Perhaps setting a much needed precedent for the importance of our work!
We've had invites via Ministers of Foreign Affairs to Brussels European Parliament. To high level conferences CSR Competitive Society Reignited. Creating and enabling environment for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Along with honoured and privileged VIP invitations to Sustainia Awards Ceremony at the Royal Danish Theatre Copenhagen in the Capital of Denmark.
With a final invitation and submission via into their annual prestigious annual A+Awards. A definitive global architectural awards program with 60 + gategories and over 200 judges. It's an opportunity to be recognized amongst the best in the profession.
There is undoubtedly a correlation between Brussels and Copenhagen via Sustiania's Founding Partners but none with Architizer that we can see. Which is a good thing for the small QU & ARK drops are making a ripple in the water and one small decision can affect all of our life's in the simplest way. Good, bad or indifferent but we prefer the former as opposed to the latter or the middle.
I am extremely optimistic about my future and that of QU & ARK's. However I am extremely pessimistic about the future otherwise out with the sphere of QU & ARK ideas, concepts and vision. Financially and economically, just as I am about our national and international energy security. Peak credit and peak energy should concern us all, artificial, inflated and too highly geared markets should also gravely concern us also. As the continual contracting and failing to correct itself impacts us all, or rather is continuing to impact us all. Perhaps like failing, markets cannot and will not correct themselves until they literally collapse?
It's quite daunting, even extremely surreal to have a Buckminster Fuller or Howard Hughes "I Can See The Future" revelation, epiphany or wake up call? Even A New Year's Resolution but it's the same dream I've had over and over again but why is it that only I feel that the whole of humanity is pissing in milk bottles, certainly in respect of the unsustainability of our current built environment. For if humanity identifies, qualifies and quantifies QU & ARK can rectify our future, why is it they cannot or will not verify what we have? For the answers lie within us, not the politicians, bankers and captains of industry that are oblivious or ignorant to our needs! Whilst protecting their own interests.
If you saw it from a satellite. With it's green and it's blue and white. The beauty of the curve of the earth. And it's oceans below. You might think it was paradise. If you didn't know. ~ Jackson Browne poignant quote and extremely awesome image shared over the festive and holiday season by Carolyn Parr the Principal and Co Founder of Mind Over Markets as they say Mind Over Markets We're All In This Together. Lets take care of her #QU4ARK Partnership...
P.S. Absolutely fabulous Christmas and a stupendous New Year but please remember my terms and conditions appertaining to QU & ARK are to secure and maintain an organisation that you can trust both now and in the future. Therefore megalomaniacs need not enquire and or apply. "The World's Had Enough Of Control Freaks." ~ Scott Northcott.
A true partnership is by the people for the people. The only entity that will achieve that balance & equilibrium. Peoples voices must have preference. ~ Scott Northcott
Documentary "The Spirit of Business & The Values of Principles"
Aim to be Michael Moore of Scotland, not mythological, true to myself, and my beliefs for a very successful and progressive Scotland via unique innovation, ideas, concepts and visions, that will continue sustainable lasting and meaningful legacies for Scotland! Through macro and micro initiative and "Method of Operating" being ignored or traceable, organic locally sourced incentives being wasted. We will be exploring Banking, Finance irregularities, and catastrophic failures, plus continual self centred preservation monopolies. Through to humongous calamities by bureaucrats, politicians via continual errors in judgment, detrimental to our wealth and well-being. Plus business and planning processes and the inconsistencies via a multitude of planning and business applications that have no consistent logic or coherent pattern? Scholars and Academics, Historians, Physicists, Psychiatrists through to various Professionals from different specialist areas and fields and Business People, plus ordinary folk will be involved in the process and partake via interviews. Wishing to contribute towards making a meaningful difference, evoking, plus proving significant change for the better of us all.
Should Donald Trump have been given the go-ahead for his golf resort?
The Energy Wall
Local Heroes
The spirit, camaraderie, unity of the residents at Menie has not truly or honestly been captured. We intend to signify their courage and conviction in the face of belligerent and arrogant tyranny.
The World Need a Jolly Green Giant
We don't have a "Jolly Green Giant" Corporation but we do need an Eco Environmentally Sustainable Iconic Brand, with ethical values and principles via it's environmental stance.
Angels Of The North "Scottish Angels & Saints"
Calling Scottish Patriots romantic & passionate about Eco values. Creative enlightenment revived, vigor & valor of our spirit, culture, heritage and history, renew innovation. Takes one icon to act.
The Energy Sails & Awnings
Thinking out of the box
Therefore I have formed a Co-operative/Consortium like motive operandi applying inherent value and intrinsic value towards it current pledgeholders, future shareholders and anticipated investors. Beyond the mere principle value of itself and Co-operative/Consortium Partners, who share the same values and principles towards executing, performing and delivering overwhelming and unconditional current pledgeholders value, future shareholders and anticipated investors value and returns, beyond mere monetary values and principles but more importantly Ecological and Environmental dividends and returns. Towards making a substantial and prolific difference, through evoking, plus provoking necessary change in attitude, behaviour, culture towards the ecology, environment and the built environment.
Your Country Needs You
Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Or go further what can you do for the people of this World? "Be a Social Responsible Entrepreneur" Action!
I Stand For Goodness What Do You Stand For?
We all have the ability to stand up and be counted. Lift our heads above the parapet, make a difference, be that change. Especially unique and innovative ethical ideas for the better of all.
Other Local Heroes
Extremely admirable the protest and statement Doctor David Kennedy made. I would concur that Donald Trump is by no means an exemplar or shinning idealogy for students to admire or follow.
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